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مقالات قديمة

The day I met you
أرسلت في Thursday, June 01 بواسطة abeer

حب وحياة Anonymous كتب "
The day I met you

I found a friend -

And a friendship that

I pray will never end.

Your smile - so sweet

And so bright -

Kept me going

When day was as dark as night.


You never ever judged me,

You understood my sorrow.

Then you told me it needn't be that way

And gave me the hope of a better tomorrow.


You were always there for me,

I knew I could count on you.

You gave me advice and encouragement

Whenever I didn't know what to do.


You helped me learn to love myself

You made life seem so good.

You said I can do anything I put my mind to

And suddenly I knew I could.

There were times when we didn't see eye to eye

And there were days when both of us cried.

But even so we made it through:

Our friendship hasn't yet died.


This friendship we share

Is so precious to me,

I hope it grows and flourishes

And lasts unto infinity.


You are so extra-special to me

And so this to you I really must tell:

You are my one true friend,

My Guardian Angel.


Our friendship is one-in-a-million

So let's hold on to it and each other.

We cannot let this chance of pure bliss fly away

For there will never be another.


I love you.

I will always love you.


كلمة المرور

لم تسجل بعد؟ تستطيع التسجيل. بعد التسجيل يمكنك تغيير شكل الموقع, والتحكم في التعليقات وإرسال تعليقات بإسمك.

روابط ذات صلة
· زيادة حول حب وحياة
· الأخبار بواسطة abeer

أكثر مقال قراءة عن حب وحياة:
أقوال عن الحب

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تصويتات: 1

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